Feed the agriculture of the future
The Global Women in AgriTech Summit program will be fertile ground to discover the best practices in the industry and showcase the latest technological innovations in AgriTech.
Feeding the Future: How Women in AgriTech and FoodTech Promote Agricultural Sustainability
and the Evolution Towards Organic Food Systems”
¬Panel AgTech: "Transforming Digital Agriculture: Women in Agritech and the Role of Digital
Twinning for Enhanced Farm Management"
¬ Panel FoodTech :” Women in FoodTech: Technological Advances and Innovations in food
¬ Panel PackagingTech & Sustainability: “Packaging 4.0: eco-responsible revolution with
connectivity and intelligence”
¬ Panel AgriScience Innovation: “Green revolution: Science, innovation and technology serving regenerative agriculture and organic food”
¬ Panel Agribusiness Invesment & Agri Finance: lever of prosperity and sovereignty “Investing in the Future: Female Leadership in AgTech and FoodTech Innovations for a Sustainable Food System, Improved Human Health, and a Protected Environment”
¬ Panel Export: Strategies for Successful Export in the AgTech, FoodTech, and Organic Industry Sectors”
¬ Panel Trade PI & Ecocert: “Positioning the Market for Organic and Technological Products: The Impact of Intellectual Property and Organic Certification on Innovation and Valorization”
¬ Round Table 1: “Female Leadership in Sustainable Agribusiness: Current Status and Global Perspectives”
¬ Speakers Quebec-Belgium-Africa: Influential women and Ambassadors of the agricultural and agri-food sector by country.
¬ Roundtable Table 2: “Innovate Ethically: Female Leadership and Inclusive Marketing of Organic Products”
¬ Inspiring testimonials: Leading ambassadors of the organic industry by sector (agri-food agri-cosmetics, agri-pharma)
¬ Round Table 3: Inclusive financing for African women in trade: “African Female Leadership:
Transformations and Innovations in the Trade of Organic Industries”
¬ Inspiring testimonies: African delegations
Directrice génerale Zone AgéTEch
Founder & CEO CATTLEytics Inc.
Directrice régionale de l’innovation Réseau canadien d’innovation en alimentation Québec
Co-Founder & CTO MatrixSpec Solutions
Vice présidente du comité de direction de Biomasse Canada
Directrice générale BiopTerre
Professionnelle de recherche BIOPTERRE
Directrice Exportations Québec Invest
Gestionnaire sénior, programmes économiques pan canadien RFAQ
Industry Relations Manager Farm Credit Canada FCC
Directrice régionale, Entrepreneuriat Inclusif Québec & Atlantique- BDC
Directeur Général Réseau de microcrédit entrepreneurial au Québec
Associé Fasken -Fusions et acquisitions, financement par actions et gouvernance d'entreprise
Directeur général Ville de Saint-Eustache
Conseillère Inclusion financière des femmes , Développement international Desjardins (DID)
Conseillère en développement économique - service aux entreprise MRC de Deux-Montagnes
Director of the Environment, Climate, Gender and Social Inclusion Division at the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Founder, Food Systems for the Future
Lead Technical Specialist - Gender and Social Inclusion at International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Director for Africa at International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Vice-President Board of Directors Sollio Groupe Coopérative
Presidente Agricultrices of Québec
Industry Relations Manager, Farm Credit Canada FCC
President, Canadian Federation of Agriculture
President Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA)
CEO Women in Supply Chain, Canada
CEO & Cofounder at LOOP Mission
Chief Executive Officer at BiotiQuest
President, Founder & CEO Institute for Science, Entrepreneurship and Investment
Deputy Secretary of Agriculture, Pennsylvania
Urban Agriculture Consultant Working to create a more Sustainable Industry AgriTecture
Executive Director & Professor, Arizona State University
Executive / Professor / Venture Capitalist / Strategist / Keynote Speaker / Lifelong Aggi
Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, South Soudan
Founder of leading ladies of Africa & ExChairperson of BRICS Argriculture Working Group
Founder of Mallpai Foundation
Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture of the African Union Commission.
Cooperative Policy Specialist, Ministry of Trade and Industry, Rwanda
First Lady of Sierra Leone
Chief Executive Officer of the Pan African Agribusiness and Agroindustry Consortium (PanAAC)
CEO @green agricultural youth organisation
Gender and Social Inclusion Manager at West Africa Trade and Investment Hub
Founder, Women Enterprise Alliance
Regional Director for Latin America at Precision Agriculture for Development (PAD)
Founder & CEO Orchestra Innovation Center
CEO, Founder, ESG and Impact Management
Managing Partner at HJM Asia Law & Co LLC | WEF YGL
Vice Chancelor council. Jharkhand Rai University (JRU), Ranchi
Managing Director, Ministry of Industries, Bangladesh
World is committed to making participation in the event a harass ment free experience for everyone, regardless of level experience gender, gender identity and expression
Technical Service and Territory Representative at JYGA Technologies/Gestal
Head of Global Professional Specification & Agriculture Lead METAP Signify
Executive Director at National Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development, Egypt
Founder of Oasis Greens & Director of Geap Group Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Deputy Director General at International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA)
Director of the Ecotourism Sector of the UNESCO Chair Con-E-Ect at International Hellenic University (IHU) GrecEe
Head of Institutional Relations and Global Strategic Partnerships, Future Food Institute.
Chairwoman & Founder of the European Vertical Farming Association
Coordinatrice en Animation Économique BEP Namur
Founder Agrogate Board Member at Ajara Group holding
People Tech Business AMIT MIT - HR Tech HUB- CoFounder WA4STEAM
Director | Co-Founder P&L DIGITAL EDGE LIMITED [UK]
Lead Soil Scientist / Agricultural Engineer Desert Control
Technologies numériques et propriétés intellectuelles Ferme d'hivers
CEO & Co-Founder at EIO Diagnostics
Director | Co-Founder P&L DIGITAL EDGE LIMITED [UK]
CEO & Co-Founder at EIO Diagnostics
Technologies numériques et propriétés intellectuelles Ferme d'hivers
Global Director, Climate change and Biodiversity Alinea International, Canada
Director, Inclusive Climate Change Adaptation for a Sustainable Africa (ICCASA) and gender, social inclusion and climate change scientist
Expert on Climate Policy and Finance, Land Use and Climate - Smart Agriculture, Indonesia
Managing Director and President of the Global Environment Facility (GEF)
Senior Director, Agri-Food Analytics Lab at Dalhousie University
Executive Director & Professor, Arizona State University
Executive / Professor / Venture Capitalist / Strategist / Keynote Speaker / Lifelong Aggi
Converner Lukenya University Kenya 🇰🇪
Senior Director, Agri-Food Analytics Lab at Dalhousie University
Professor of Practice McGill Centre for the Convergence of Health and Economics
CEO of the Swiss based agtech company,Vivent
Chief Executive Officer at BiotiQuest
Entrepreneur, Lawyer, Investor & Business Executive
Entrepreneur, Lawyer, Investor & Business Executive
Greater Montreal Metropolitan Area
Directrice générale Conseil d’affaires Canada-ANASE
Consul Honoraire à Montréal Consulat Honoraire du Royaume du Cambodge
Founding President Quebec-Korea Business Association
Directrice-adjointe, Bureau régional du Québec et du Nunavut, Affaires mondiales Canada
Membre du CA du Forum d'affaires Québec-Japon et Conseillère experte, Direction Exportations, Marchés de l'Asie - Pacifique et de l'Océanie, Investissement Québec International